Church History

Hilltop Missionary Baptist Church was organized on October 30, 1983, under the authority of Maple Grove #3 Missionary Baptist Church.

The mission work that led to the eventual organization of our church began in the late 1970’s. It was during this period that Brother Dillard Goad, assisted frequently by Brother Alvis Davis, began holding services in an old house between our current location and Highway 52. This work continued for a few years, until Brother Charles Jones, following the leadership of the Lord, assumed the work of the mission. Brother Jones continued this work until the church was organized in 1983.

The first meeting house constructed for Hilltop Missionary Baptist Church was built before the church was organized. The members of the mission at that time, understanding that God is always faithful to provide, stepped out on faith and placing their trust in God, built the original church meeting house on land donated by Brother Carly Patterson.

On October 30th, 1983, the mission at Hilltop was organized into an independent body of Christ, under the authority of Maple Grove #3, assisted by the following churches: New Zion Missionary Baptist, Old Macedonia Missionary Baptist, Antioch Missionary Baptist, Long Fork Missionary Baptist, Union Hill Missionary Baptist, Greenfield Missionary Baptist, Liberty Hill Missionary Baptist, Rock Bridge Missionary Baptist, Red Hill Missionary Baptist, and Union Missionary Baptist.

The organization for the church proceeded in regular order and in accordance with established principle, beginning with the reading and adoption of the Church’s Covenant and the 18 Articles of Faith. After these documents were adopted a motion was made, received a second, and was passed for all charter members to enter into this covenant, each with the other, thereby declaring themselves a local independent body of Christ.

These principles are still observed today, and with the help of the Lord, we strive to always be found walking in the Old Path and seeking His guidance, as did those founding members of the church.



Church Covenant

Having been drawn by the Holy Spirit of God unto repentance, to
the Satisfaction of our Lord Jesus Christ, and upon our personal testimony of
experiencing a spiritual birth, and being baptized in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this
assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into this covenant with one
another as one body in Christ.

With Christ being the head of this body, we agree to assemble
Our selves as the body of Christ for the purpose of worship each Sunday, being
The Lord’s day, and all other opportunities. We furthermore press toward
Biblical teaching of putting Jesus 1st Others 2nd, with Yourself last, as being
the only path to finding true JOY and contentment in this life. In case
of difference of opinion in the Church, with Christian love, we will strive
to avoid a contentious spirit, and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will
cheerfully recognize the authority of the majority to the rule of this body.

We agree, furthermore, by the assistance of the Holy Spirit, to walk
Together in Christian love; to strive for the advancement of this Church in
Knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its prosperity and spirituality;
To uphold its worship, it’s two ordinances, and its discipline and doctrine; to
Contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the faithful
Missionary field, and the expense of the church. We further agree to extend
extra relief to our widows and the poor.

We also agree to maintain family and personal Bible study for the
Purpose of spiritual growth and to instruct our children in the truths of God;
To seek the salvation of our kindred and acquaintances; to live our lives in
a Godly Manner; to be honest in our dealings with others, reliable in our
commitments and blameless in our conduct; to avoid illegal and / or abuse
of mind-altering drugs or intoxicating drinks. We believe Biblically that a
marriage is between one man and one woman. We believe in avoiding sexual
activity outside the bonds of marriage; to also avoid any type of homosexual
lifestyle, as well as pornography; to avoid all sinful acts which would cause
harm or bring approach (disgrace) to this local body, continuously being
aware in our walk of life that we are to reflect Christ to those in our midst.

Until God would remove us from this local body, we will strive to
uphold this covenant to the best of our ability. Recognizing in the spirit of
humility, that we are His called out people and that it is a true privilege to be
a member of this body, as a family of the True and Living God.