Elder Jeff Likens

Pastor of Hilltop Missionary Baptist Church

The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me…

My personal experience of Salvation


I was saved by God’s grace as a fourteen year old boy. 

I was lost for around three years before being saved. One night at an old time meeting, conviction set in. As I got up to leave the service, I made it to the second seat from the back, fell down and called upon the Lord.

I found peace with God.

The next night, I united with the church and was baptized into Rocky Mound Missionary Baptist Church.

Carrying God’s Word

My Call to Preach


Some years after joining Rocky Mound, I had gotten away from the Lord, and I had a great desire for Him to make Himself manifest to me.

While praying and asking Him to let me feel His sweet Spirit again, I told the Lord that I would be willing to do what He would have me do, if I could just feel His Presence.

It never crossed my mind that He would call me to preach, but that night I felt His Spirit, and that still, small voice said, “Preach My Word”.

I ran from the call for eight years. After being brought to a point where I felt that I had no other choice, I owned my call to preach God’s Word.

The next Sunday, I preached for the first time.

With the Lord’s Help, I’ve been trying to preach ever since.

The Blessing of Family

Genesis 2 : 18

It is not good that the man should be alone: I will make him an help meet for him.

Psalms 127 : 3-5

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord….blessed is the man that hath his quiver full of them.


Brother Jeff was united in marriage to the former Sheila Willis of Trousdale County, TN.

They have been blessed with two daughters, Jenny and husband, Brandon Bussey and Meghin and husband, Kelby Davis.

The Lord has also blessed Brother Jeff with 3 beautiful grandchildren.